Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Holiday 2009 fun

This year is our last year as non-parents & we really ripped it up! :D not really but that's ok.

Christmas Eve was spent with the Garganos - Tony, Trisha, Christopher & Joseph. We kicked off the evening celebrating Christopher's 10th birthday and then moved on into Christmas family fun! Jamie & I opted to head home for the night just before Santa arrived to exchange our gifts.

Christmas morning dawned late for us since we stayed up until 4:00 am playing the new Wii Mario Bro's game. We headed over to the Casa de Sweeney to do a mini-family exchange of gifts with Lola, Papa S, TJ, Sean & Ryan. Then it was off to Auntie Debbie's for the big show!

The 26th brought about the annual Christmas Carol showing at the Guthrie Theatre downtown with an unexpected twist at the end - I got to meet the very famous actor, Peter Michael Goetz who plays Ebenezer Scrooge! Mom & I photo-op'd and had a great chat with him as well.

Then it was off to Buca for the annual feast - tons of fun, food & love!

Growing baby & belly pictures!

ok - let's try this stuff out... Baby's first Ultrasound Picture!